“Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, ‘What are you seeking?’ And they said to Him, ‘Rabbi’ (which means Teacher), ‘where are you staying?’ He said to them,
The next day after his first encounter with Jesus, John the Baptist saw Him again walking by and he witnessed that He is the Lamb of God (v. 35). Because of John's utterance, bystanders nearby heard this great revelation and caused people to follow Jesus. The first two disciples who heard and followed Jesus were Andrew and Simon Peter. (In contrast with the three Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke, this incident in the Gospel of John is their first encounter with Jesus according to some bible scholars.)
The first disciples encountered the Messiah because someone was brave enough to witness about Jesus.
The same disciples were eager to know about this Rabbi that they even went and stayed with Jesus that day. And Jesus only had to tell them, "Come and you will see." No more questions asked, they just followed Him.
It was about 4PM in the afternoon (tenth hour) when they stayed with Jesus. It was only two hours before night but none of them, not even Jesus, considered the time as inconvenient to have fellowship.
In verse 41, Andrew "first found his own brother Simon." Somehow, us Christians have a tendency to go outside our house to minister first because it may be too awkward to share the Gospel in our own household. But this verse reminds us that our first priority should be our own siblings and family members. This is personally convicting to me because I am the only baptized believer in my own family. Knowing that the first two disciples of Jesus Christ were brothers by blood, it gives me hope that I can be a witness to my own sisters and brothers as well. Also Andrew was a younger brother to Simon, but he was the one who brought him to God.
Because Andrew and Simon spent time and energy to know more about Jesus, they were able to identify Him as the Messiah (means Christ) in verse 41 as well.
When Jesus looked at Simon, He gave him a new name "Cephas" which means Peter or "rock." By this we'll learn that Jesus gives us a new identity, a new name, and a new beginning when we encounter Him.
Our Father in Heaven, You are so gracious. Thank You that we have a Messiah who we can run to for salvation in this lifetime. You sent Him to us, the Beloved Son of God, so that we can pursue and be pursued in a relationship with You. Forgive us for all the times that You have knocked on our doors and we did not invite You in. Jesus, You invited Your disciples to come so that they will see what You have in store for them. And they did come without hesitation. Lord, may we come to You without questions and doubts. May you give us clarity and inclination to answer Your call to follow You. Cause our heart to yearn eagerly for You so that we may know You fully. I ask all of these things in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!